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Thank you for visiting my website!  They say "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade". When the pandemic started, I wanted to sew fabric, reusable face masks for my family. I, then, started telling my friends and co-workers and got a little shop going!  I discovered that sewing is something I really enjoy -in addition to my years of crocheting and knitting!-. It brings me serenity, joy, and a great sense of accomplishment when I see the final product and think "wow, I made this!". 


I set up my shop in my spare bedroom and it seems like I will be needing more space in the future! I am continuously educating myself on the art of bag-making, learning new sewing and construction techniques, experimenting with different materials, and challenging myself with more intricate patterns. This is an ongoing process that shows in every accessory I make. I admire the many talented people out there who create beautiful patterns for the world to sew.


I have ventured into the world of "vendor events" and it has been really rewarding to get many compliments from people. I receive them with a humble and grateful heart. Their reaction to my work impulses me to keep honing my craft.


My wish is that you feel the same happiness when you wear the product as I felt when I handcrafted it! I hope that you find the perfect item for your needs.


Much love to all!




I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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